Pollyanna Gifts It – Gifts It Good

Lyda here. At least, I hope they are good gifts.

Just a little token of my esteem.

But nope.

No hobbits.

Get it? Heh. I crack myself up.

Yesterday, I mailed off a little somethin’ somethin’ to the winners of the Casting About For A Name Contest for Gorgeous and Available Engineer brother’s scarf. And a late birthday package to Anna-Liza.

The packages include The Mystery Projects. Which means I will finally tell you about them.

Once the packages have arrived.


I am such a tease.

But enough about me… this is all about the WINNERS!

Four people were declared winners:

Marin for “Airspeed of an Unladen Wooster Scarf”  (Monty Python and P.G. Wodehouse!)


Kelly for “The Lumber Jack of the Lake Scarf”  and this tag line: “Oh, but you can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a scarf at you!”


KarenM for “I’m a Lumberjack and I’m OK”  and her comment, “I really wish I could think of a name that used the words “watery tart” – I practically doused my screen in coffee when I read that…” Originally I gave an Honorable Mention for this comment – because in all the excitement I forgot that KarenM and mintlatte are actually THE SAME PERSON. I am a dork.


Red for “Swinging a Big Ax Gets You Women” *Snort.*  The Twelve-ness of it!

I promised the winners: Fame! Glory! Links to their blogs!

All of which they received.

I also said:  There may well be additional prizes forthwith… Winners, please understand that it will take a while for the swag to arrive. Arrive it will, eventually, possibly when the fields are white with daisies… in little tiny boxes… “with nasty teeth…”

Daisies – check.**


Little tiny boxes with nasty teeth – check.**

Killer Bunny Keepsake Box

Maybe you prefer this box?

That’s right. It is finally “forthwith”. And about damn time. Who knew that “forthwith” took so long?

To the winners I say: Thanks for playing! Enjoy! Let the Wild Rumpus Start!

To everyone else I say: Stay tuned for the unveiling of the Mystery Projects. Ya’ll are excited.

And zombies, of course. “Zombies yesterday, and zombies tomorrow, but never zombies today.”

** Daisies and little tiny boxes not included in swag. Sorry, gang.

Also, how many tags can I add?

Apparently,  a gazillion and one.

Yes, that’s a technical math term.

This is Tommy the Sith Apprentice Cat. Cats of the winners, I snuck in some stuff for you when she wasn’t looking.

Come to the Dark Side – we have toys.

3 thoughts on “Pollyanna Gifts It – Gifts It Good

  1. KarenM.

    Yah… I have name issues. In fact, today I am trying not to count my issues. Apparently I am on the verge of issue overload. Sigh. Spirit lifting to know a Lyda goodie is in he mail 🙂 and I need spirit lifting!!

  2. Marin

    A reason to check my mailbox. I’m sure my postal carriers (which sounds appropriately like something the CDC should get involved in) will appreciate that I will be checking my mailbox.

  3. Pingback: Pollyanna is a Bag Lady « Pollyanna Rainbow Sunshine and the Needles of Doom

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